Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships Available for Consensus 2016
50 Scholarships available
We're Offering $100,000 in Diversity and Inclusion Scholarships!
The MIT Digital Currency Initiative (DCI) has announced it will work with CoinDesk to provide $100,000 in scholarships and support for underrepresented minorities and women to attend Consensus 2016!
The scholarships will be offered to recipients between 18-25 years old, and to graduate students of all ages. In addition to the fifty scholarships, we’ll also be hosting a private networking event for the scholars.
Read the full announcement explaining how and why the DCI will be working with CoinDesk to promote greater diversity at Consensus 2016!
If you're a professional who hasn't yet registered to attend, you only have a few days left to capitalize on our "early majority" discount! Rates increase on Monday, April 4th.