The Scryptcc Cloud Mining Service Moving from GPUs to Scrypt ASICsMost cryptocurrencies that are mined by computers use a ‘proof of work’
algorithm, designed to make them prove that they have invested the
computing power in producing the coins. Bitcoin uses SHA–256, but many
alternative coins (altcoins) use another system, called scrypt.
The Scrypt cloud mining service Scryptcc was one of the first to start offering Scrypt cloud hashrate using GPUs for mining alternative S…
What is the best way to earn bitcoins?
Answer: with a HASHLET!
ZENMINER CLOUD is a new and not ordinary cloud mining service, revolutionizing the cloud mining business. We are proud to be the first site reviewing them. They are the first cloud mining company which makes it possible to buy different hardware (SCRYPT / SHA-256) + 1 month of free hosting packages at a very competitive price and have it hosted and accessed on their cloud. More resellers will follow in the near future as well as direct hardware purchases from within the mini…
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